房型: 一房一廳 月租$11500起 Room type : Living Rm w/ 1 Br En-suite, starting from HKD11500 Foreigners and oversea Students are Welcome ! 歡迎外國商務留學生及本地租客! 月租式雙人套房連梳化 (免佣)交通便利,設施齊備,租金相宜 每間房設有獨立廁所 * 接受長短合租至少一個月 *
物業地產 / 住宅出租The Shang Hai 347 Ltd.

🎯[專教化學 生物 物理]😎港大中大導師,十年經驗😎。親自應考DSE連續四年🎯 5** 2015-2018 只教化學 生物 物理 港大中大 補化學 補生物 補物理 Chem Bio Phy 補理科 荃灣南豐中心 太子補習🎯
教學進修 / 補習朗林理學教育

Industrial water chiller model CW-5000 is produced by Guangzhou Teyu Electromechanical Co., Ltd. Integrity, Pragmatic and Enterprising are TEYU core values. They make us always adhere to Quality Firs

雙人+沙發房型:月租$8,900起 Room type : Double Rm w/ sofa En-suite, starting from HKD8,900 Foreigners and oversea Students are Welcome ! 歡迎外國商務留學生及本地租客! 月租式雙人套房連梳化 (免佣)交通便利,設施齊備,租金相宜 每間房設有獨立廁所 ** 接受長短合租至少一個月 **
物業地產 / 住宅出租The Shang Hai 347 Ltd.

表演藝術 / 場地佈置及出租香港培訓師協會 九龍灣/牛頭角場地租場

長沙灣,深水埗課室出租,鄰近港鐵深水埗站﹑黃金商埸及長沙灣政府合署. 設備完善,適合舉辦各類型講座、課程、會議及拍攝埸地. 24小時開放,平日時租收費由$180起, 週未時租收費$120起

S&A brand CW-5200 air cooled chiller ‘s cooling capacity up to 1.4KW , ±0.3℃ temperature control precision and temperature control range in 5-35℃.

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Head Rotor,Fuel Injection Pump,Ve Pump Parts,Reparit Kit,Plunger etc. for sale

common rail Armature Lift Adjusting Shim and CR Injector Adjustment Repairing Shims

SIEMENS Start of Injection Shim and Solenoid Valve Gap Spring Force Adjustment Shim

Common Rail Hexagonal Solenoid Shim Kit for Common rail shims DENSO series

Solenoid Valve Spring Force Washer Shims for Caterpillar 320 Injector

Rotary VE Pump Cross Disc for BOSCH VE fuel injection pump cross disc

Diesel engine VRZ head rotor for bosch diesel rotor head for iveco

B12 shim for Bosch common rail injector,armature stroke adjustment shims
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